Friday, February 17, 2012 much glitter...

So, Miss Jilly comes flying off the bus today (I thought girlfriend was going to bite it a few times!) and starts with "I got a pencil and a button from school today AND they sparkle!!! To which I respond with "What for?" Her answer " I don't know, but did I tell you they SPARKLE?!?!"

So we get her coat off and book bag hung up, and then she shows me the button and it reads "Student of the Month".

You have to imagine all this *yelling* while she had the biggest, cheesiest $h!t eating grin on her face. Ahhh, the pure innocence of childhood.

She did fill me in later on 2 more pieces of info:
1. Sam (a kid from her class...?) and she will 'be on TV' (I think they get to have a picture taken and get it shown on the morning announcements...?)

2. She got to be student of the month because "I follow the penguin rules ALL.THE.TIME, Mommy!" then she proceeded to roll her eyes at me!

*Sidebar - one of these days when the weather gets warm again and we get to wait outside, I'm going to take a video of Wyatt as the bus pulls around the corner, and how he about tackles Jilly once she's in reach! Boy misses his girly monkeys, but loves the one on one time as well....*


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love is in the air..., literally as I type Jeff is on a plane. Fun way to spend Valentine's Day. No, really, no sarcasm. It has been a no pressure kind of day. Well, as much as it can be when doing the Mommy thing on my own still...

Looking forward to getting to be crafty without interruptions once monkeys are in bed. That's about the only up-side to all the travel Jeff's been doing. Goodness knows, there's no perk of a few extra dollars, and all the lies and deception that seem to accompany every trip.

So, yeah, happy Valentine's Day

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

In true Cooper fashion....

Jilly studied dinosaurs last week in school, which means all we heard from girly monkeys was "I'm a palentologist...." and all we heard for monkey man was "arrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrr" with a dance, of course! That is until last night when Cooper busted out with "Once I'm done being a palentologist when I'm bigger, I'm going to be Santa." And she is serious...and if anyone can do, it's my little Cooper-Doo!


Monday, February 6, 2012

What is it worth to you?

find a cure card

This is a card I did earlier this week to give to one of the preschool teachers that does the Susan G. Komen 3 Day for the Cure.  To be honest, I wish I could have donated more, but I did what I could at the time.

And that got me to thinking (…I know, you’re all in trouble when that happens!), what if I made a few sets of these cards and put the profits into making a bigger donation…?

I will be selling them in sets of 5 for $12.50. (That covers my cost of materials plus shipping, and then we get to donate $10.00 for every set sold.)

So if you, or anybody you know would like to support breast cancer research by purchasing a set (or a few sets!) please email me to order.
