Saturday, January 15, 2011

Resume building...

To say that I am disappointed would be a very large understatement. Three times in the last month we have been told 'significant snow fall accumulations' and the most we ever saw was three inches. But the girls love being out in the snow playing. While I was trying to reclaim our house from Christmas (putting away the decor, taking down the tree, finding homes for all the new toys...) Jeff took Jilly and Cooper out to play in the maybe inch and a half of snow we got last Saturday on the 8th. But you have got to give him credit...he made it fun. We have a dog leash that splits towards the bottom so that you can walk two dogs with only one leash...but I'll bet the company did not know how perfectly it would work to turn a Daddy into a sled dog! Jeff spent close to two hours pulling the girls around in the front yard. Everybody was tickled, nobody wanted to come back in the house, and we are all waiting for more snow.

Now Jeff can add sled dog to his resume, along with human jungle gym, creepy-crawly smusher and the million other things that make him such a great Daddy.

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