Saturday, October 3, 2009

SCF show part 2

Bug has not been too focused as of late when she rides, so Fay made her a deal. If Courtney was able to focus and concentrate with Moose in the Short Stirrup (jumping 4 fences in a circle very little thought required) then Fay would let Bug ride Zoe later in the day during the Student Hunter (8 jump course...more challenging). They got a first and 2 fourths in the Short Stirrup division, and in Pleasure they got 2 firsts and a second making them the Champion for the division. Fay said that Bug rode beautifully and could ride Zoe later.

After Courtney did her two divisions on Moose she had some time to kill before she got to ride Zoe. We all sat there and were watching Lexi ride a new pony named Grace...and then in the blink of an eye, the unthinkable happened. Lexi had a pretty good fall after a jump and landed face down in the dirt and was not moving! It was all I could do not to loose it seeing my "other oldest daughter" screaming in pain face down in the dirt. Thankfully, Sunny was right there and has the coolest head of anybody I know. All we could do to help as Lexi was put in the ambulance, was to offer to keep Noah while they were in the hospital with Lexi. Hours later we found out that Lexi broke her elbow, her arm AND her wrist when she came off! Poor kid had to be sedated in order to take the x-rays! She was told that all 3 were clean breaks and should be fully healed in 4 weeks.

After the one hour break to take care of Lexi, the show got back under way. In the flat class Bug took second, and in the jumping classes she took fifth both times. She was very proud of herself for remembering the course and not getting disqualified for going off course. When she came out of the ring Fay had a few pointers for Bug, but I can't remember her having a bigger smile and sense of accomplishment in a long time.

Way to go Bug!

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